Saturday, June 28, 2008

English Tips- Narrative Writing

Hello 4F-ers!

This is a good website that you can check out if you want to improve your Narrative Essays writing style! There are some useful tips located here!

Always remember that a good narrative piece is one that:
1) Has well-developed characters
2) Using the 5 senses to create the overall picture of the story- Be specific and detailed
3) Able to engage and interest the reader to continue- Ask yourself is this a story that everyone else could think of? If yes, then how can you make yours stand out from the rest- Descriptive Phrases!!

Always ask yourself the 2 questions below after you have a rough storyline in mind:
1) Did I use my mind- Is it realistic? Is it practical?
2) Did I use my heart- Will the story impact the reader? Do I have sufficient sections dedicated to creating meaningful characters and developed plots that are linked to the essay title?

If you have done the above 2, then I see no problem in acing the Narrative Essay!

Good Luck!

Ms Ong :)

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart" - William Wordsworth

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